Swap Shop is Back!

Our Take It or Leave It Center Opens February 1
photo of Swap Shop

The Swap Shop was closed late in 2017 for a number of reasons. The two key items were (1) no rules of operation approved by the Town Council and (2) the need to make changes to the Town of Gray volunteer policy. The key changes to the volunteer policy are that all volunteers must have a background check and they will wear Town issued name tags when working. These items have been attended to and there is now a set of Council approved operational rules.

We are set to open the Swap Shop on or about February 1st. All volunteers will now have name tags identifying them and will be in charge of the operation during the time they are on duty. Overall operational control is in the hands of Randy Cookson and he will manage the Swap Shop volunteer process.

Members of the Recycling Committee will be on hand at the Transfer Station on Saturday, January 27th distributing copies of the new Swap Shop Policies

As it has always been, our Swap Shop is for the residents of Gray only.