Swap Shop Policy

photo of Swap Shop

The following new formal Policy has been adopted for the "Take it or Leave it (Swap Shop)" building at the Transfer Station and is effective immediately.

Swap Shop Policy

This is step one of the process to reopen the Swap Shop for residents.

A new Volunteer process has also been created. Those interested in volunteering at the Swap Shop should contact Randy Cookson, Transfer Station Director. Once enough volunteers have been approved, a reopen date for the Swap Shop will be determined and announced.

The Swap Shop plays an important role in helping to achieve the Solid Waste Ordinance goal to "recycle waste to the greatest degree practical in order to reduce the disposal cost and environmental impact of solid waste" and helps to serve the most vulnerable amongst us. We hope all residents will take a moment to review the new policy and work together to ensure the longevity of the Swap Shop.