Resiliency Committee

Meeting Dates, Video, Agendas, Minutes

A. Membership:

  1. The Resiliency Committee shall consist of five (5) regular members and one (1) alternate member.
  2. In addition, a staff member of the Recycling and Solid Waste Department shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the committee.

B. Duties:

The committee shall:

  1. Expand education for Residents via GCTV/Website streaming programming in partnership with GNG School system, newsletter, electronic platforms, bulletin boards, Library, flyers and direct mailings on topics related to Resiliency Planning, waste reduction, renewables and/or energy efficiency and Climate action.
    1. Proper composting to work towards reducing food waste
    2. Tips/Information on the pillars of waste handling: Avoid/Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Dispose
    3. Classes on relevant topics such as vermioculture and biodigesters
    4. Native plantings, canopy catalog/planning, fertilizer transition plans for open space/school fields/municipal properties
    5. Practical zero waste approaches to lifestyle and events
  2. Assist with Resiliency and Climate Action Planning, as appropriate, to identify baseline, identify forecasted changes in coming years, identity actionable items in categories (1) municipality (2) neighborhoods (3) residents. Working with the Community organizations that are mission aligned, promote action on items in categories (2) and (3).
  3. Work with Organizations, Companies, Non-Profit groups and Residents to conduct readiness assessment for Repair Café, Tool Library, Salvage/Reclaim depot, Upcycling, Greenbuilding, Plant Swap, Seed bank, etc.
  4. Make recommendations, as appropriate, to modify Town’s current disposal policies, sticker compliance, fee structure that will enhance and/or reduce cost of the operations.
  5. Work with Solid Waste Director to promote/host Hazardous Waste Day to educate Residents on hazards of improper disposal and share policies, options, changes on an annual basis.
  6. For all duties outlined – encourage partnerships and collaboration with other Towns to develop regional approaches wherever possible.
Committee Members
NameTerm Expires
Jayne Chandler, Chair2024
Schelene Shevchenko, Regular Member2025
Chelsea Anne Roy, Regular Member2025
Sandy Carder, Regular Member2025
VACANT, Regular Member2025
VACANT, Alt. Member2023
Randy CooksonEx-Officio, Non Voting
Anne Gass, Council Liaison