Completing the 2020 Census Online


The 2020 US CENSUS can be completed online at

You will likely see information come in the mail as well, if you have not yet already. The mailing from the US Census may invite you to complete the questionnaire online and provide you a census ID to login. This makes it quick and easy to complete!

Please note, if you have a mailing address that differs from your physical address (or your usual address), the US Census uses your identifying number to make sure your feedback is properly accounted to your correct geographical location. They have worked closely with the US Post office to make sure that the information is properly distributed. If you are still concerned that your information will be reported to the incorrect town, the online form can simply be completed manually without the use of the login ID information provided.

The US Census information is important as more than just a head count. It provides a picture of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals, and businesses; how federal funding is distributed; and how congressional seats are apportioned. It also helps us see how our communities have changed over time. That’s why an accurate count is so important. We hope you will complete the 2020 US Census. 

Thank you very much!