Gray Public Library Names Assistant Director

New position enables library to increase offerings.
Darcel Devou
Darcel Devou

The Town of Gray is pleased to announce that Darcel Devou, previously the Head of Circulation for the Gray Public Library, will now be the library's assistant director, which is a new role for the Gray Public Library. 

In her new job as of April 20, 2022, Darcel’s focus will shift to understanding the vital role the Gray Public Library plays in the community. She will continue her efforts at bringing top quality performers and presenters to Gray, increase the library's programming offerings to better address the needs and wants of the community, utilize social media and other platforms to better communicate directly with the library's users, and pivot the library services so the library is more engaged in two-way communication with users. 

"The Assistant Director for the Gray Public Library is a brand-new position born out of several factors," said Gray Public Library Director Josh Tiffany. "The most important of which is we are at a point where we have achieved a level of satisfaction of service with our existing users, and knowing that the Town of Gray is expanding and increasing in population, we wanted to expand the robust services the Gray Public Library offers. As Assistant Director, Darcel will allow us to do just that. " 

In her previous role as Head of Circulation, Darcel was responsible for oversight of the circulation staff, overseeing the circulation process, communicating and coordinating with partner libraries to track down errant requests, and billing.

You can learn more about the Gray Public Library on their website and Facebook page