tax exemption

Do you qualify for a Maine Homestead Tax Exemption?

The application is the same throughout the state and is due on or before April 1st. If you are a Gray resident, please do one of the following on or before April 1st:

1) Complete your form and drop it in the mail to: 24 Main Street, Gray ME 04039
2) Put it in the Dropbox located at the front door of the Gray Town Office.
3)Take a photo of your completed application and e-mail it to

Wondering if you already have a homestead exemption? Call us at (207) 657-3339 ext. 123, leave a message and someone will get back to you.

(If you received a $104 check from the State of Maine as part of the Governor’s package, then you had a Homestead Exemption last year).

Forms are available on the Maine Revenue Services website here.