Remembering Gray Fire Rescue Members

fire flags

Past members of our Gray Fire Rescue are honored each year with memorial fire department flags at the Gray Village Cemetery. Seventy- five flags, held by special aluminum holders are placed in early May on the graves of all past members buried in the Village Cemetery. Some stones date back to the early 1900s, among them George Cobb, and Sturgis Colley, men who were largely responsible for the formation of the original Gray Fire Company in 1880.

Each year, a few weeks before Memorial Day, current members walk through the cemetery placing the flags on graves, quietly reflecting on the men and women who stood watch over Gray much like they do today.

When you see the flags flying proudly over the graves of our past heroes take a moment to remember their sacrifices and service to the Town of Gray.

For our living heroes of today, when you see them around Gray be sure to thank them for their service and exceptional sacrifices being made today.

Thank you, 

Galen Morrison
Retired Gray Fire Chief