Town Government Details FY25 Budget Creation Process

Residents will vote on the budget on June 11, 2024
Town seal

The FY25 budget review schedule is now available. This document details many dates relevant to the creation of the FY25 budget, including when Town of Gray department heads will present their budgets to the Town Council, when the Town Manager will provide his budget presentation, and how residents can get educated and provide their feedback about the FY25 budget.

The FY25 budget creation process started in early February and will continue until April. There will be a public hearing on April 9 for residents to voice their feedback about the budget. Residents will then vote on the budget on Election Day, June 11, 2024.

On February 6, the Town hosted a budget public input session, which gave residents a chance to opine what should or should not be in the FY25 budget. You can watch that session here.

All information related to the FY25 budget will be published on our dedicated webpage. This page will also include recordings of budget-related Town Council meetings and workshops when they become available. If you have any questions about the budget or how it is created, please email