The Second Full Week in May is Women's Lung Health Week

Mother's Day Week May 10 - May 17


Designating the second full week in May as "Women's Lung Health Week"

WHEREAS, every five minutes, a woman in the U.S. is told she has lung cancer; and

WHEREAS, lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of women in the U.S. and Maine; and 

WHEREAS, the lung cancer death rate in women has almost doubled over the past 37 years; and  

WHEREAS, advocacy and increased awareness will result in more and better early detection and treatment for women with lung cancer and other lung diseases and will ultimately save lives; and 

WHEREAS, LUNG FORCE is the national movement led by the American Lung Association to unite women to stand together with collective strength and determination to lead the fight against lung cancer and for lung health.

BE IT RESOLVED, Gray Maine hereby designates the second full week in May as Women's Lung Health Week throughout the community, and encourages all residents to learn more about the detection and treatment of lung cancer.