Business Directory Listing Request

The Gray Business Directory is a free service for businesses physically located in the Town of Gray.

Complete and submit this form to request a business directory listing.

Submissions may be also be emailed to or delivered to Town Hall at 24 Main Street. 

Published content must meet the guidelines set forth in the Gray Website Content Policy. For more information call our Information and Communication Director at (207) 657-3339 ext 102.

Note: a copy of your request will be sent to the email address included with your submission.

Business Owner Contact Info
Business Directory Listing
Business Directory Listings are valid/active for one year. It is the sole responsibility of the registered owner / authorized representative of the business or organization to periodically review the listing and provide updated information and request for annual renewal as necessary.
Choose one or more of the following business categories that best describe your business:
Businesses physically located in the Town of Gray may be listed. Please provide a physical address regardless of whether the address will be included in your listing online.
Check "yes" if this is a home business and you wish to exclude the PHYSICAL BUSINESS ADDRESS from your listing.
Enter your business slogan, tagline, or summary description.
Provide a brief description of your business.
If you are writing about something else, please provide details here.